Monday, December 31, 2012

Give Me Five

Donna at Peace, Love and Learning is organizing a way that teachers can help teachers from Sandy Hook.  She is especially looking for upper grade TPT stores but anyone can help.

Read more here:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Welcome 2013!

Hello fellow fifth grade teachers!

As a belated Christmas gift to you, here is a "Welcome 2013" activity pack freebie! Click here for a list of activities to welcome the new year! :) Welcome 2013 Activity Ideas. It contains two copies: one in color and one in black and white.

Visit my blog to read more about it and other 2013 classroom activities: Joy in the Journey

Highlights of My Break

Use this activity when you come back from break to give students a chance to share what they did!
Click on the picture to download from my TpT store.
Read the details on how to use this activity {here}.

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year's Reading Resolutions

Looking for a fun (and easy) activity for your students after winter break? Have them set a goal of 13 books they hope to read in 2013. Use this cute printable to record the titles. Take them to the library to browse, or use the online card catalog from your classroom. This worksheet is open-ended, but you may also choose to set parameters or encourage students to try different genres.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Free Foldable

Simplifying fractions is so challenging for my students!

I recently created a PowerPoint to review the vocabulary needed and teach three strategies for simplifying fractions.  My PowerPoint contained two foldables and I thought I'd share one with you as a freebie.   This foldable is meant to have the students take notes on three strategies for simplifying fractions.

Click here for your Free Simplifying Fractions Foldable.

Freebie Fridays

If you are interested in the PowerPoint, you'll find it here.

Surfing to Success

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mean, Median, and Mode...Oh My!

Here is a set of practice activities to use when teaching mean, median, mode, and range. Use these for math centers or as whole group, small group, or partner work. Students will cut out the numbers and physically manipulate them to help them remember that you must put the numbers in order first. Come one over to my blog to download them FREE!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

12-12-12 and a Snowman Glyph Writing Activity

Hello fellow 5th grade teachers!

I have a couple FREEBIES to share with you:

1. Snowman Glyph Writing Activities

I'm not sure if you've ever done a glyph before, but if you haven't, you should try one because I love them! It gives kids (even upper elementary) practice following directions, discerning personal experience and connecting it to their work, and gives them an outlet to show their personality and find commonalities with classmates.Then, to connect it to the curriculum, I added a writing prompt, graphic organizer, and paper to write the final draft of their "Snowman Adventure"

You can download this FREE 5-page packet by visiting my (NEW!) TpT store by clicking here: Snowman Glyph Writing Activities

2. It's coming this week...

It won't come again for 100 years...

Are you ready?!?

That's right - it's 12-12-12!

To celebrate, I've come up from a FREE list of 12 activities to try on 12-12-12. Teachers, you can pick and choose which activities to do throughout the day as a whole class, it can be a station at a literacy or math center, or it can be a take-home assignment on which the students receive points for each box they complete.

Here's what the sheet looks like:

If you do download either of these freebies, please leave a comment and rate the product. Also, if you would follow me on TpT, that would be AWESOME! Thanks :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Math Project: 500 Wheel Brigade

This is my first time posting on Fifth Grade Freebies, and I'm excited to be a part of it! One thing you should probably know about me is that I love math projects. Another thing you should know is that I love critical thinking activities. When I can find a project that requires students to think critically and it happens to be about math, I especially love it.

Here is one I created called 500 Wheel Brigade. Students must design a parade of vehicles that has exactly 500 wheels. It is harder than it sounds because they have to use 5 different types of vehicles. You can even go totally crazy and have them design the parade so that the vehicles form a pattern.

Visit me over at UsingMyTeacherVoice to learn more!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

3-2-1 Notes

Click above to download

I show many videos with my social studies curriculum, and I created this sheet to keep my students accountable. I needed something that could address the wide variety of abilities in my room. Visit my blog to read more!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Character, Setting, and Summarizing Using "Facebook"

At the start of the year, I used this Facebook-like template to review character, setting, events, and summarizing. It was also really nice for my artistic kids :) Read the details of the completed activity here.
Click the image to download.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Teaching Respect

Do your fifth graders have a bit of an attitude when you give them a warning?  Read here about how I use this phrase to deal with that and for a freebie.

Surfing to Success

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rounding Numbers

I'm excited to say, we have some wonderful people that have volunteered to contribute!  I look forward to seeing their posts soon.

In the meantime, check out this link for a little rounding numbers freebie.

Surfing to Success

Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome to Fifth Grade Freebies

Hi!  One challenge for me as a new fifth grade teacher has been finding fifth grade blogs.  I've been seeing a lot of grade level freebie blogs, but where was the one for fifth grade?  Well, here it is!

I'm looking for contributors.  If you are a blogger that is willing to post a freebie once a month, please contact me at  If you have freebies on your blog that would appeal to 5th grade teachers, your post can link to that.

Of course, I need to get us started with a freebie...

One of the challenging skills for my students have been placing decimals and fractions on a number line.  Click here to download this document and to read about how I used this freebie in our math journals.

Thanks for stopping by!

Surfing to Success