Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rounding Numbers

I'm excited to say, we have some wonderful people that have volunteered to contribute!  I look forward to seeing their posts soon.

In the meantime, check out this link for a little rounding numbers freebie.

Surfing to Success

Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome to Fifth Grade Freebies

Hi!  One challenge for me as a new fifth grade teacher has been finding fifth grade blogs.  I've been seeing a lot of grade level freebie blogs, but where was the one for fifth grade?  Well, here it is!

I'm looking for contributors.  If you are a blogger that is willing to post a freebie once a month, please contact me at  If you have freebies on your blog that would appeal to 5th grade teachers, your post can link to that.

Of course, I need to get us started with a freebie...

One of the challenging skills for my students have been placing decimals and fractions on a number line.  Click here to download this document and to read about how I used this freebie in our math journals.

Thanks for stopping by!

Surfing to Success