Thursday, May 21, 2015

End of Year Tip

Although I think that many of you are already done for the year, I still have a few more days. I'm going to share one of my ideas that will help you get your classroom organized as the end of the year draws near.

Often I have ideas on how I want to do things the next year. Either something was awesome and I don't want to forget, or I have ideas on tweaking what I've done. Since I'm a visual person, I like to take pictures to remind me. So I had plans to change this board:

At the time I took this picture, I knew that I needed to have more No Name and Absent clothespins since I was going to be teaching half of the fifth grade students (this was before I got my new job and changed districts). I wanted to move the Missing Work to the other board in my room, and I wanted to remove the NLWC because I ended up doing that on a bulletin board.

So I took a picture, put it in Word or PPT and noted the changes I wanted to make, and saved it on my computer in a folder labeled Next Year. Or, I could have also created a pin of the picture and noted the changes in the description and pinned it to a secret board in Pinterest. Gotta use those secret boards for something ;)

Hope you're having a great end of the year!

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